Rock n' Roll
Rocks are featured prominently in this week's parashah. Yaakov uses rocks to rest his head when he camps out the night of his ladder dream and he later shows off his strength for Rachel by rolling a huge boulder off the mouth of the well. To recognize the suporting work that rocks play in Vayeitzei, I've used river stones and sharpie marker to make place cards for the meal. I've also made a cobbler out of stone fruits (peaches and cherries) for dessert. As I did last year, I got a pull apart challah to remind us of the midrash that explains that after all the rocks vied for the honor of resting under Yaakov's head, God miraculously merged them into one large stone.
For lunch, we are using the ideas from previous years, starting with foods fashioned into the shape of ladders. I've stuck cards under each seat that offer different explanations to the meaning of the ladder (all from the Ba'al Haturim who shares several gematriya calculations for the word sulam--including, money, poverty, voice, Sinai, throne of glory, etc.). At the emal, we'll ask each eprson to do an exercise in metaphors and explain how a ladder could be like ______ (the noun placed under his or her plate).
Dessert for that meal will be a speckled sheep cake.
Have a rockin' shabbat!
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