Thursday, October 21, 2010

Parashat Vayera

Angel Fest

When I was reviewing this week's parashah, I was taken by the number of angels who make an appearance: Avraham's guests, Lot's escorts out of S'dom, Hagar's savior, and the angel who stays Avraham's hand at the Akeidah. In their honor, we will be serving angel-hair pasta (with chicken), angel salad (a 1950's/1960's version of a "salad," made with whipped cream, pudding, and fruit), and angel-food cake for dessert. I'm still thinking through the prominence of the angels and why they are so very active in Vayera.

The meal will be served in a re-creation of Avraham's tent that takes over our dining room. the archives describe in greater detail how I drape tablecloths and throw pillows around the room to create an authentic tent-like milieu.

We are invited out for one meal this shabbat. I was asked to bring dessert so I will either make a second angel-food cake, or I will bake shofar shaped cookies that I will present in a horn-shaped basket, not hard to find as Thanksgiving nears.

Wishing you a shabbat filled with guests and good company,
Tammie Rapps

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